Fighting for Your Joy | Joan Rupram


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Joan experienced domestic violence and abuse early in life.

Over the past 10 years of her life, she has made a strong commitment to understanding herself, being present, and choosing life. Being in the here and now.

Joan Rupram is an Indo-Caribbean femme immigrant and descendent of Indian indentureship of Guyana. They are a healer and educator focused on ushering wellness as the foundation of sustainable leadership. Bridging the gap between the spiritual and the practical, Joan’s mission is to build the inner caliber of Millennial change doers and new school thought leaders to be and build the change they seek in today's world.

Joan brings an intersectional perspective to their work with an eclectic background in social justice, political science, experiential learning and spiritual evolution. Joan turned to spirituality at 21 years old, and brings a deep awareness of the relationship between early childhood traumas, unprocessed emotions and its many manifestations as habits, patterns, and choices. The journey of their unconventional path continues to inspire millennial leaders to prioritize their self-mastery to show up in the world ready to lead.

Joan’s Why

“It stems from knowing that I am a living ancestor. It is remembering who I am. I consciously remember that I am divine in nature and I am having an experience. And I thank everything that has distracted me and tries to distract me from who I am, and I say “thank you” for actually reminding me of who I am. I am the ancestor to descendants of warriors. And my work here is to prepare for the arrival of my descendants. I do what I do for those who are coming after me”.

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