How to Tap into Your Creative Self | Fatuma Kou


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Fatuma's manifesto is that we each have a gift. That our souls are uniquely crafted to make the world a better and a more inclusive place. Her art is a way of self- expression and to call to attention the beauty in diversity.

In 2019, I first came across Fatuma's art at the Women Who Work Gala held by The Embassy of Gabon and Gwen Madiba in Ottawa. Fatuma was showcasing her art in prime space - right at the entrance for people to admire and enjoy before they Gala started. It was through her art, that I felt that I had already met her.

In 2018, Fatuma became a published author and even held her first book signing a year later in 2019. She continues to surprise and delight her audience and her work inspires the community to express themselves. Fatuma writes, draws, paints, and on her days off, spends time giving back to the community at the local shelter in Ottawa, Canada.

Fatuma’s passion is to encourage people to embrace their own uniqueness. Every piece of art holds meaning and is a vessel to tell many stories. She is capturing the human experience through her unique lens.

Fatuma’s Why

My son is my reason. I have a vision and I pray that God continues to empower me. I want him to be proud of his mom. I want him to grow up knowing that she didn’t give up on something that she is passionate about, even if it didn’t provide her enough financial support. That she continued to fight for her art. For him to see that if you love something very much, don’t give up on yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Connect with Fatuma

Connect with Naomi


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