How to Start Your Own Creative Mastermind (Examples Included)

Heart check. Six months ago, Nickie Shobeiry and I started our own Creative Mastermind. We've been close friends for years, live in different cities, and have recently made beautiful shifts in our lives and business. We started these Creative Mastermind calls virtually every three weeks, but when we are in the same city, we prioritize in-person conversations over a delicious meal, or we'll check out a local café.

We both work in creative fields in non-traditional ways, making the opportunity to flesh out ideas, exchange knowledge on what's working and what's not, and encourage each other to keep going invaluable. As we bring our dreams to life, I am reaffirmed again and again that we don't have to do it all alone. Nickie is a film-maker, director, and owner of an outstanding copywriting business. I am a talent strategist for agency owners, work for a Celebrity Ghostwriting Company, and host a podcast called The Power of Why.

Our strategic and creative brains are ALWAYS working.

Can you see this from a different perspective? Have you considered X? It's fun and brings us a lot of joy.

Are you considering setting up a mastermind with those who inspire you?

Here are some agenda-item ideas to get you started:

  • ☀️ Heart Check & Life Updates: Catch up on each other's lives since your last chat. Share recent successes or challenges you've experienced lately.

  • ☀️ Goal Strategy/Visioning: Discuss the 1-3 goals you're currently pursuing and how you're moving the needle. Do you have any blocks? Exchange ideas.

  • ☀️ What have you learned recently that has enhanced your quality of life?

  • ☀️ Creative Boost: If you have an idea on hold for too long, you can "workshop" it together. You can do a speed round for 10-15 mins. See what you come up with.

  • ☀️ How can we grow and "future-proof" your skills and business? AI is here and rumbling. If you're not incorporating AI into your workflow, onboarding, and customer experience, how can you embrace it? Share valuable resources, workshops, or training programs you've come across.

  • ☀️ How can you collaborate? Explore potential collaborative projects where you can ideas or projects where you can leverage each other's skills and expertise.

  • ☀️ Reflection and Next Steps: What did you learn together? What resonated during your chat? What are you both going to try?

  • ☀️ Gratitude, and see you soon.

Oh! And what is a small thing that helps us stay consistent? We keep our calls to 60 minutes. We don’t go way over the time we have. When you have a consistent call in the calendars like this one, it's imperative that you respect each other's time. 

Is this something that you already do? Is this something that you would try?